As UW-Madison students we have an awesome opportunity to use our careers to improve the lives of others. The average career lasts 80,000 hours, that’s a long time. If you could increase the impact of your career by just 1% it would make sense to spend 800 hours thinking about how to do that. And we think this 2 week program can increase your impact by much more, and in much less time. So let’s dive in.

Join us for our Conference and Careers Program where you'll develop a longterm career plan and actionable next steps to pursue a high-impact career and have the chance to network and resolve career uncertainties with industry professionals at EAGx Berkeley on the 2nd - 4th of December.

💡 Sign Up Here by November 15th

Who is this program for?

This program is about turning the ideas discussed in the Fellowship into action. You’d be a good fit for this program if:

  • You’ve completed an Effective Altruism Fellowship
  • You genuinely prioritise positive impact in your career
  • You’re in search of a career which balances large positive impact and personal satisfaction
  • You’re open to exploring novel career paths which may be 10 or 100x more impactful than your default path

Program Outcomes

Our goal is that participants walk away with:

  • A clear long term career plan
  • Actionable next steps to begin pursuing this plan
  • Most career related uncertainties resolved after speaking to professionals at EAGx Berkeley

If this is interesting to you 💡 Sign Up Here by November 15th

Explore the full program here

Contact us today to find out how we can help you do more good.